Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

In the framework of Dharma practice and insight, stream entry marks a profound and transformative moment of awakening, where the practitioner experiences a fundamental shift in perception and understanding. It is the emergence into a direct and irrevocable apprehension of the Three Characteristics of existence — impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, and non-self — revealing the empty nature of phenomena. This realization not only shatters deeply held illusions and attachments but also firmly sets the practitioner on the noble path, ensuring no regression to previous states of ignorance. Stream entry thus represents the initial, irreversible awakening to the Dharma, opening up a vista of deepening freedom and wisdom as the practitioner continues to cultivate insight and compassion on the path to full liberation.

See also: cessation experience, insight meditation, dependent origination, noble truth, awakening

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